Hello reader, thanks for all your support. It's sometimes funny how I plan to write about something but another activity takes up the discussion. It is all about being real isn't it?
A few weeks ago I was involved in a conversation with some of my older relatives on a group chat and one of my uncles was scared about some environmental factors making him want to opt on returning back to the UK. It sounded funny but it was pretty worrisome realizing what seemed like an unpredictable burden to him- Fear of Reptiles!!! It also occurred to me recently as well that I have heard and read about peoples' testament escaping reptiles even more in their rest rooms, how co-incidental I thought.
Your guess is just as good as mine, reptiles often times find their ways into the sewage or soakaway in a bid to chase rats which lurks around in one of those creepy places and pits using the tunnel as an easy access, as studies have shown. While chasing their "food" they find their ways through the channels leading to toilet seats. During the conversation, as earlier mentioned, I got to know some useful tips that can help from the personal experiences my other older relatives have had while on field trips or in a bush surrounded environment:

Here are ways to combat them when such situation arises:
1) Pour concentrated sulphuric acid on the snake till dissolved

2) Have a readymade rag fully soaked in kerosene thrown on the reptile or snake. It causes it to sting itself to death; this is so because they are allergic to kerosene which from all factors is harsh on them in the process causes them to sting the irritated part leading to self poisoning unknowingly.
It is important to note that in an environment with children or individuals with "special conditions" such harsh contents should be kept away to avoid domestic accident resulting from carelessness. The solutions shared are solutions that worked and are still working based on their experiences. Lastly, two rituals that should not be taken for granted is to always cover the toilet seat when not in use and also always look into the toilet before use. Ensure that it is properly clean enough and be ready to act when you feel there is something fishy going on beneath. LOL!
Thank you for reading. I trust you found this helpful. Please read, read, and read again. Drop your comments as well as share.